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[Windows编程] paper5

开放环境下自适应软件系统的运行机制与构造技术 毛新军,董孟高,齐治昌,尹俊文
Adaptive software systems operating mechanism and construction techniques open environment- Maoxin Jun, Dong Meng high, Qi Zhichang, Yinjun Wen (2015-07-13, PDF, 507KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] cmmi

能力成熟度整合模式 (Capability Maturity Model® Integration,CMMI® )是一個針對產品與服務發展的流 程改善成熟度模式。它包含發展與維護活動的最佳 執行方法,涵蓋產品從起始到交付與維護的生命週 期。
Capability Maturity Model Integration (Capability Maturity Model ® Integration, CMMI ® ) is a product and service development for process improvement maturity model. It includes the development and maintenance of the best methods of implementation to cover product from start to delivery and maintenance of the life cycle. (2010-05-09, PDF, 1895KB, 下载1次)
