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[ICQ/即时通讯] Me

特点介绍: 1、用浏览器就能聊天(兼容所有浏览器,不用安装flash等插件)。主要应用在网站、微网站上的客户自助查询; 2、最新免费版机器人客服系包含一个电脑端和一个手机端,二次开发价格另议。 3、客服系统也可部署在内网服务器上,仅供内部员工聊天使用、类似qq微信界面左右分离式聊天更美观; 4、自定义聊天头像、表情功能、消息提示音、客服、客户聊天超时与下线通知、客户黑名单过滤机制与客户排队机制,让您聊天随心所欲~ 5、软件经过长期算法调优用户体验更加,各大软件站已收录。 如何安装: 1、将整个客服系统文件拷贝到网站根目录下,打开default.php文件,将里边的CSS、DIV和JS客服代码拷贝到网站首页; 2、找到 /Me/msdb.sql 文件,导入到数据库并修改数据库名,之后删除msdb.sql文件; 3、找到 /Me/base.php 文件,配置数据库用户名、密码与数据库名; 4、登陆后台为 /Me/000000/index.html,建议将index.html修改为其他文件名。4个客服与1个管理员的用户名分别为:webu1、webu2、webu3、webu4、adminot,密码都是me05090,建议管理员登陆后修改密码。
Features introduction: 1, you can chat with the browser (compatible with all browsers, no need to install plug-ins such as flash). Customer self inquiry mainly used in websites and micro websites; 2, the latest version of the robot free customer service system contains a computer terminal and a mobile phone terminal, two times the development of price negotiable. 3, customer service system can also be deployed on the intranet server, only for internal staff chat use, similar to QQ WeChat interface, separate chat is more beautiful; 4, custom chat avatar, facial expression function, message prompt tone, customer service, customer chat timeout and offline notification, customer blacklist filtering mechanism and customer queuing mechanism, let you chat freely ~! 5, the software after long-term algorithm optimization, user experience more, the major software station has been included. The latest version and documentation, see the official website ban20.net. (2017-10-15, LINUX, 1277KB, 下载5次)
