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[源码/资料] MySQL实战45讲

MySQL实战45讲,极客时间、丁奇老师 (2022-04-19, WORD, 154553KB, 下载0次)


[通讯编程文档] Communication-Theory

Learning Communication Theory of very good information, and Fan Changxin version supporting (2015-09-30, WORD, 25440KB, 下载19次)


[网络编程] QinQ

QinQ is a two-story switching technology in the service provider network edge switch connected to the network users (ie PE) configuration to achieve a "user data across service provider networks transparent transmission" to achieve the effect of VPN. (2014-02-23, WORD, 119KB, 下载2次)


[系统设计方案] igmpv3-Analysis-and-Implementation

I Reference own the realization igmpv3 finishing learned, the analysis wrong with you spectators criticized webmaster, this should be a little bit technical content (2012-11-22, WORD, 10KB, 下载8次)


[行业发展研究] 5472e316b5237f369a24dc4dc9ac74db

it is useful (2012-09-19, WORD, 659KB, 下载2次)


[网络编程] Taobao-cloud-customer-service

The Amoy Bowen customer documentation, a part-time opportunities. . . Share share ~ ~ ~ ~ .................. (2012-06-17, WORD, 84KB, 下载2次)


[文件格式] pyht

Institutions contract with (2012-03-11, WORD, 13KB, 下载5次)


[文件格式] zykhfwxtfaq100w

重要客户服务系统常见问题解答 期货公司是通过什么方式接入重客系统的
Important customer service system FAQ futures is off by what means access to the system re- (2011-11-24, WORD, 47KB, 下载3次)


[单片机开发] mirror-ad-design

With the mirror made the concept of billboards, the advertising media to mirror the rapid development. Mirror mirror or glass as the media is advertising carrier, through the beauty salon, entertainment, wedding photo studio, hotels, shopping malls and other public places in the installation of a mirror or glass surface of the advertising device, such as static billboards or advertising machine, so that consumers can spare time in a long time pay attention to the ads (2011-09-22, WORD, 16KB, 下载5次)


[网络编程] Build_a_wireless_intrusion_honeypot

As we all know to bring a flexible wireless network access while security has always been its Achilles heel, enterprise wireless network or home wireless networks are easy to attract foreign " tourists" , on the one hand WEP, WPA and other encryption measures have been cracked makes wireless encryption useless, the other wireless network to automatically connect automatically search network also made a lot of " non-interested person" to connect to your wireless network. So how do we prevent attacks against wireless networks and intrusion it? If we can adopt the necessary measures to counterattack the invaders do? Today, I would urge readers to follow along to become masters build wireless intrusion honeypot for intruders exposed its true face. (2010-06-25, WORD, 294KB, 下载23次)


[Windows编程] shoppig--system

shopping-system (2010-05-15, WORD, 15KB, 下载3次)


[其他书籍] 123

通信原理习题答案 樊昌信 第五版 国防工业出版社
Communication Theory Exercises Answer Fan Changxin fifth edition of the National Defense Industry Press (2010-01-04, WORD, 487KB, 下载24次)


[软件设计/软件工程] SPI_KFLYGF

Customer service etiquette norms, software customer service personnel to follow the norms of standardized services, standardized services can enhance the company' s image, is a standardized document large companies. (2009-07-26, WORD, 20KB, 下载25次)


[Windows编程] ATMSystemUMLDesign

Intended to develop an automated teller system. It is an automated teller machine, a central computer, branch and teller terminal computer network system. ATM and the central computer by the head office of the investment purchase. Head office has a multi-ATM, are located in the city on the main streets. Branch responsible for providing computer and teller terminal branches. Teller terminals located in branch banking hall and the various bank branches within subordinates. The system' s software development costs assessed by the various branches. (2009-03-03, WORD, 1432KB, 下载8次)


[其他书籍] CAINIAO

菜鸟变黑客教程 教你如何从菜鸟到高手的过程
Rookie hackers change tutorial teach you how to master the process of rookie (2008-05-08, WORD, 83KB, 下载22次)


[数值算法/人工智能] News_Clustering

「新聞群聚」就是一項需要人力介入的新聞服務,而為了使其更為自動化,我們將文件分群(document clustering)的技術應用在新聞文件上,達到新聞分群(news clustering)的目的。
News Clusters is a need for human intervention in the news service, and to make it more automated, we will document clustering (document clustering) technology used in news papers, to news Grouping (news clustering) purposes. (2007-12-02, WORD, 579KB, 下载10次)


[通讯编程] answer

Fan letters "Communication Theory" book answer the questions for the study's reference communication (2007-07-05, WORD, 3971KB, 下载164次)


[其他] 5and6Chap

Fan letter version of the "Communication Theory" Exercise answer after school, learn good communication Wanton. This is the fifth chapter and Chapter VI. (2006-04-10, WORD, 483KB, 下载79次)


[系统设计方案] 水电费自动查询催费系统

many utilities companies still use manual methods of payment reminders, time-consuming, inefficient. Utilities voice automated inquiry urge system is to resolve this issue at the right moment. Phone users can call anywhere hydropower companies serving special telephone inquiry system for the occurrence of utilities to understand the situation with water and electricity; Utilities overdue arrears for the user, the system automatically dial telephone arrears to remind users of timely payment of utilities. (2005-09-05, WORD, 310KB, 下载385次)
