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[金融证券系统] kk

kk(寬客, kuanke, the word for quant in chinese)
Kk (kuanke, the word for quant in chinese) (2024-03-02, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[金融证券系统] E3Shopping

宜立方商城是一个综合性的B2C平台,类似京东商城、天猫商城。会员可以在商城浏览商品、下订单,以及参加各种活动。 管理员、运营可以在平台后台管理系统中管理商品、订单、会员等。 客服可以在后台管理系统中处理用户的询问以及投诉。 功能描述 后台管理系统:管理商品、订单、类目、商品...
Yifang Mall is a comprehensive B2C platform, similar to Jingdong Mall and Tmall Mall. Members can browse goods, place orders and participate in various activities in the mall. Administrators and operators can manage goods, orders, members, etc. in the platform background management system. Customer service can handle user s inquiries and complaints in the background management system. Function description Background management system: manage goods, orders, categories, goods (2019-02-09, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[金融证券系统] Energy-trade-contracts

Solidity contracts to demonstrate energy trade (PwC project) (2020-10-02, JavaScript, 6KB, 下载0次)


[金融证券系统] stockx-clone

Full-stack clone of popular shoe and clothing exchange StockX built using React, Ruby on Rails, and postgreSQL. Users may play at buying and selling ridiculously expensive shoes and clothing and also track the prices of items in their portfolio. (2023-01-19, JavaScript, 8950KB, 下载0次)


[金融证券系统] studio-web-open

Studio web open, virtual studio public API and financial studio demo (2016-07-21, JavaScript, 1798KB, 下载0次)
