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[硬件设计] Voxify-Script-to-Voice-Diversity

Voxify revolutionizes text-based content by transforming it into captivating audio experiences. With diverse voices and natural-sounding synthesis, it empowers users to create professional-grade audio content effortlessly. From podcasts to presentations, Voxify enriches storytelling with immersive voices and seamless customization. (2024-03-07, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[硬件设计] SEC-Attendance-Portal-React.js-Node

This is a webapp where Samsung showroom SEC can submit their attendance. They can mark themselves as Present when they are in showroom only, this app uses their locations. Admin can download SEC attendance data with statistics in Excel file. My cousin who works in Samsung Electronics told me to make an app to automate the process. He uses (2022-11-30, JavaScript, 5993KB, 下载0次)
