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[区块链开发] cafeteria-solidity-truffle

分散式自助餐厅系统,允许用户使用名为Fast Coin的定制ERC 20代币从自助餐厅订购食物。
decentralized cafeteria system that allows users to order food from a cafeteria, using a custom ERC 20 token called Fast Coin. (2024-03-07, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[区块链开发] website

Shir Ya Khat官方网站-波斯区块链播客
Official website of Shir Ya Khat - Persian Blockchain Podcast (2024-02-13, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[区块链开发] usdt-payment-demo

去中心化商城 usdt 支付 , docker 等基礎服務已經都設定完成,只要簡單置換私鑰即可直接運行,快速搭建服務,
The basic services of the decentralized mall, such as usdt payment and docker, have been set up. As long as the private key is simply replaced, the service can be run directly and set up quickly, (2020-09-29, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)
