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[书籍源码] pinke

Genuine fight off the system source code, to fight meal, fight to play, to fight the cause of so powerful (2010-03-22, ASP, 3991KB, 下载11次)


[书籍源码] tktgcn2

淘客网上商店网站程序 淘客网上商店网站程序 淘客网上商店网站程序
Amoy-off procedures online store Web site off-line store site Amoy Amoy procedure procedure off-line store site (2009-05-04, ASP, 6210KB, 下载9次)


[书籍源码] diannaowang

管理首选:前台首页、后台首页、修改密码、退出管理 商品管理:添加商品、管理商品、类别管理、品牌设置、材质管理、单位管 理、供货商添加、供货商管理、商品评论管理、缺货商品管理、下架商品管理 财务管理:订单管理、用户积分管理、积分变动日志 销售管理:整体销售统计、商品销售排名、商品访问排名、分类访问排名、会 员消费额排名 用户管理:会员管理、管理员设置、会员等级管理、等级申请审核 信息管理:站内短信发布、站内短信管理、广告管理、新闻添加、新闻修改、 公告管理、VIP方案设置、其它信息设置、友情链接管理、会员邮件列表 系统管理:商城基本设置、支付方式管理、配送方式管理、客服QQ设置、在线 投票设置、所在省信息库、所在市信息库 系统数据维护:系统数据备分、恢复、压缩
Management of choice: front page, the background page, modify your password, from the management Commodity Management: Add merchandise, management of goods, category management, brand establishment, material management, unit control Rationale, suppliers add, supplier management, product reviews management, out-of-stock merchandise management, merchandise management shelves Financial Management: Order Management, the user points the management of changes in log points Sales Management: overall sales statistics, sales rankings, visit the rankings of goods, classification ranking visits would be Ranking member of the spending User Management: Membership management, administrator, member level management, application level audit Information Management: SMS release stations, stations SMS management, advertising management, adding news, information changes Notice management, VIP program settings, and other information settings, Link management, mailing list members System M (2009-04-15, ASP, 10032KB, 下载80次)
