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[SQL Server] feihuanebusniss

开发语言:ASP.NET 源码演示:http://www.flyring.com.cn/ 飞环技术ASP.NET电子商务网站SQL版,包括强大的后台管理、技术论坛、产品浏览等!请自行将数据库目录下两个ACCESS数据库导入SQL2000数据库并修改每个aspx页面的SQL数据库连接信息即可调试成功!另外经过修改也可使用ACCESS作为网站数据库 本文来源于虾客源码 http://www.xkxz.com
The development of language: ASP.NET source code demo: http://www.flyring.com.cn/ Flying Ring Technology SQL version of ASP.NET e-commerce sites, including a strong management background, technical forum, product browsing, etc.! At your own will database directory two SQL2000 database into ACCESS database and modify aspx pages for each SQL database connection information can debug successfully! In addition a modified can also use the ACCESS database as a Web site in this article come from the shrimp-off source http://www.xkxz.com (2008-05-13, ASP, 221KB, 下载14次)


[SQL Server] dy2006sqlquangongneng

动易2006sql全功能版 如果遇到MD5加密文件,而又不知道密码的, 请在数据库中换上这组加密的数据469e80d32c0559f8 密码就是admin888 此程序如需调试后方能使用,请您在百忙中抽出一点点时间,把调试好的程序打包发给我们。 为了您和大家都能使用到无错的代码,也为了程序的质量,请大家贡献自己的一份力量,为 创建更好的学习环境,让我们一起努力。 广告投放请与3E建站客服联系: QQ:486689 广告位置和价格请查看: http://3easp.com/support/advertise.asp全功能商业版,带齐了所有功能,注意将版本全部改为3,后台才可以打开所有模块:
moving easily 2006sql fully functional version of the event MD5 encrypted documents, and do not know the password. please database with a group of data encryption password is admin 469e80d32c0559f8 For this procedure 888 debugger for use in the thick of you out a little bit of time, Commissioning procedures put packaged good to us. To you and you can do nothing wrong to use the code, as well as to the quality, please contribute to a force, to create a better learning environment for us to work together. Advertising, please call the establishment of the station 3E contact : QQ : 486689 advertising spaces and prices, see : http :// 3easp.com/support/advertise.asp full-featured commercial version. the challenge for all functions, attention to converting all three versions, the background ca (2006-07-02, ASP, 13036KB, 下载3次)
