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[.net编程] WebabcLive

Digital text voice and video customer service system V1.0 source code, based on digital video broadcast system based on text, voice chat function, interested friends can refer to! (2017-11-15, ASP, 5287KB, 下载2次)


[.net编程] boke

Design and reality of personal blog systems (2013-11-07, ASP, 2385KB, 下载4次)


[.net编程] zxkf

Online customer service system, very practical, there is a need to look for reference purposes only (2013-05-29, ASP, 1425KB, 下载2次)


[.net编程] 4eddc4e42afc2

此版本为开源版。开发语言为vb.net 该版本中的商品分类信息已经更新至当前最新状态 如果以后淘宝更新了分类,可以运行db/GetAllGoodsClass.asp这个文件进行分类更新采集 更新采集前最好是先删除所有分类信息 分类信息保存在db/db.mdb这个数据库的catclass表中 远程数据采集是淘客程序的一个核心组成部分,淘东东也不例外。如果有什么数据显示不了。只要修改相关文件的数据获取格式即可。
Amoy stuff VB source (2013-01-09, ASP, 6601KB, 下载7次)


[.net编程] download

Valley is the only Recruitment System Co., Ltd. Wuhan Valley s only software to open a powerful platform based on ASP.net Recruitment systems, including enterprise recruiting system, news system, search management system, personnel employment system, customer verification system , multisection base station system, automatic acquisition system, business center system, the background can be free to set the station all-static or pseudo-static capabilities, and provide an integrated forum DISCUZ! NT interface, integrated into the latest seo website optimization concept, css div technology combined with efficient, safe and efficient system, stable-to-use, full ASP.net features, is a real sense by region, industry classification standards for the construction of double sub-station of multisection points Recruitment station group system. (2011-12-06, ASP, 4783KB, 下载15次)


[.net编程] chuanzhiboke201007

传智播客ASP.NET教程源码 第一部分的详细资料
Chuanzhi podcast source ASP.NET tutorial details the first part of (2011-06-26, ASP, 934KB, 下载9次)


[.net编程] 201031114224388

本程序采用asp.net 2.0进行开发,全自动应用最新淘客api,自动采集信息,无需手工更新,全站基本免维护,坐等收钱。(只需要第一次配置一下基本信息即可,无需替换,无后门)。 以下提供的演示地址和参考地址链接均需复制后粘贴在浏览器地址栏打开。 本程序演示地址:http://www.taodz.com 免费下载地址:http://www.taodz.com/TaodzTopApi.rar
This procedure uses asp.net 2.0 to develop, scouring off automatic application of the latest api, automatic collection of information, without having to manually update all the basic maintenance station, waiting for money. (Only need basic information about the first configuration can be, without having to replace, no back door.) Demo provided below links and references are required to copy and paste the address in the browser address bar to open. This program demonstrates Address: http://www.taodz.com Free Download: http://www.taodz.com/TaodzTopApi.rar (2011-04-11, ASP, 1841KB, 下载4次)


[.net编程] 03

To use. Net development of podcasting system and hope you download, thanks to support oh. (2010-03-23, ASP, 2401KB, 下载7次)
