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按分类查找All xml/soap/webservice(1) 
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[xml/soap/webservice] shazhiqiu_taoke_free_v3.2

程序说明:此版本为免费版本,但先要到官网注册账号,然后授权一个域名 修正: 1、后台登陆的一种bug,有时无法登陆 2、修正sitemap.xml 【升级方法】 V3.0升级到V3.2 请www.shazhiqiu.cn下载最新的程序(控制面板 淘客免费版下载) 解压文件出来上传覆盖相关文件 bin目录覆盖就行
Program description: This version is free version, but first to the official website of the registered account, and then authorize a domain name Correction: 1, the background of a bug landing, sometimes unable to log in 2, sitemap.xml [upgrade method] V3.0 upgrade to V3.2 Please download the latest www.shazhiqiu.cn program (control panel, Amoy free download) Extract the file to upload the relevant documents Bin directory coverage on the line (2015-12-14, ASP, 4579KB, 下载1次)
