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[.net编程] 公开课像素鸟C#源码

传智播客 老赵 winform经典像素鸟源码
winform flappy bird source code (2020-06-22, C#, 2128KB, 下载0次)


[.net编程] 聊天室

An online chat room tool based on websocket. The code is complete and can be run. It can be used as online chat room, online customer service real-time chat and other functions. (2019-11-21, C#, 553KB, 下载1次)


[.net编程] WebSite1

Customer Information Feedback System Based on ASP.NET Users of the system can be divided into two types: customer service and company customer service. Customers can provide feedback on the company's products, check the status of feedback, and check the feedback response. Corporate customer service can view, search, reply, merge, audit, delete and modify the status of feedback. (2019-07-04, C#, 38524KB, 下载16次)


[.net编程] Asp.Net-4.0

ASP.NET 4.0 入门到精通 张昌龙版 源码
ASP.NET 4.0 version of the source entry to the master Zhang Changlong (2016-07-07, C#, 3110KB, 下载4次)


[.net编程] chuanzhiboke-oop

传智播客让子弹飞的代码 oop的学习关键点
Chuan Chi podcast Let the bullets fly code oop learning key points (2013-04-24, C#, 105KB, 下载2次)


[.net编程] CBChat

Asp.Net(C#) Web 即时客服聊天以前写的,仅供学习使用。:)
Asp.Net (C#) Web Live Support Chat previously written for educational purposes only. :) (2013-01-10, C#, 4591KB, 下载9次)


[.net编程] HaiTian.RuanJian.HaiKe

国内第一款开源轻博客系统.仿点点网的HaiTian.HaiKe.NET(海客) 是一款免费、开源的轻博客系统,aiTian.HaiKe.NET(海客)完全遵循 W3C 标准,具有极强的可扩展性、高性能、良好的 SEO 性能和非凡的用户体验。 HaiTian.HaiKe.NET(海客)v1.0 采用 Visual Studio 2010 开发环境开发,运行环境为 .net framework 3.5/4.0+sqlserver2008 R2,保证系统的安全和稳定性。 海客轻博客,轻松分享你的兴趣。便捷的多图发布,清新文艺的个性化模板,时尚达人的聚集地,用图片记录生活的最佳选择,随地随地与好友一起,在兴趣中寻找快乐.
China s first open source lightweight blog system. Imitation little net HaiTian.HaiKe.NET (Haike) is a free, open source, lightweight blog system, aiTian.HaiKe.NET (the Haike) full compliance with W3C standards, withstrong scalability, performance, good SEO performance, and exceptional user experience. HaiTian.HaiKe.NET (Haike) v1.0 Visual Studio 2010 development environment to develop operating environment for the. NET framework, 3.5/4.0+ sqlserver2008 R2, and ensure the security and stability of the system. Haike light blog, easily share your interests. Convenient figure release, personalized template of fresh art, fashion of the people s gathering place, the picture records the best choice for life, anywhere anywhere with friends, to find happiness in the interest. (2012-04-06, C#, 5155KB, 下载18次)


[.net编程] video

Podcast Network (professional online video network), mainly to provide video upload, membership management, bad title after the video uploads. (2011-05-22, C#, 4557KB, 下载7次)


[.net编程] ADO-Help-Guide

ADO 支持用於建立客戶端/服務器和基於 Web 的應用程式的主要功能。它的主要優點是易於使用,速度快,內存支出低,佔用磁碟空間少。ADO 同時還具有遠端資料服務 (RDS) 功能。使用 RDS,可在一次往返過程中實現三步操作:將資料從服務器移到客戶端應用程式或 Web 頁,在客戶端對資料進行操作,然後將更新結果返回服務器。
ADO 支持用於建立客戶端/服務器和基於 Web 的應用程式的主要功能。它的主要優點是易於使用,速度快,內存支出低,佔用磁碟空間少。ADO 同時還具有遠端資料服務 (RDS) 功能。使用 RDS,可在一次往返過程中實現三步操作:將資料從服務器移到客戶端應用程式或 Web 頁,在客戶端對資料進行操作,然後將更新結果返回服務器。 (2010-07-30, C#, 783KB, 下载3次)


[.net编程] PowerTalkClient

Online Customer Service source have some learning value, can modify the site used for online customer service function modules (2009-10-11, C#, 37KB, 下载24次)


[.net编程] client1.1_51aspx

Customer management system that can simultaneously support multiple users, the company management provide customers with a convenient (2007-10-15, C#, 226KB, 下载3次)


[.net编程] Mastering_ASP.NET_with_CSharp

《ASP.net与C#入门到精通》书配套源码 【原书名】 Mastering ASP.NET with C# [原书信息] 【原出版社】 SYBEX 【作者】 (美)A.Russell Jones 【译者】 陈建春 白雁 杨永平 【丛书名】 从入门到精通系列丛书 【出版社】 电子工业出版社
"ASP.net And C# Cross the threshold Is skilled in" the book necessary source code [ original book title ] Mastering ASP.NET with C# [ original book information ] [ original publishing house ] SYBEX [ author ] (to be beautiful) A.Russell Jones [ translator ] Chen Jian spring Bai Yanyang the Yongping [ a clump of book title ] from to cross the threshold is skilled in the series collection [ publishing house ] the electronics industry publishing house (2006-05-31, C#, 341KB, 下载32次)
