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[WEB开发] Iflashzhantinn

Introduced a product showroom, tthe source is relatively excellent (2012-05-15, FlashMX, 1582KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] flash

该系统是在网博视频直播系统基础之上,加入文字语音聊天的功能。 该系统采用: Flash作为客服端,可嵌套进网页,访问者不用安装任何插件。 只要有客户访问某网页,系统会自动监控到有用户上线,系统自动语音提示客服人员对其跟踪客服。 服务器端采用:Fms2.0视频服务器系统。 Web端采用asp.net2.0技术 数据库采用mssql2000(DB_51aspx下为Sql数据库文件,附加即可)
The system is in the network video broadcast system based on the blog, add text voice chat function. The system uses: Flash as the customer service side, can be nested into the website, visitors without installing any plug-ins. As long as a customer to access a web page, the system will automatically monitor to a user on-line, the system automatically tracks the voice prompt customer service to its customer service. Server using: Fms2.0 video server system. Web client technology database used by asp.net2.0 mssql2000 (DB_51aspx under the Sql database file, add it) (2010-11-01, FlashMX, 7688KB, 下载63次)
