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[企业管理] QC1314MessageBoard

Use vs write about the system (2015-03-13, Visual C++, 410KB, 下载1次)


[企业管理] telephonehelp

企业电话客服系统 Enterprise telephone customer service system
Enterprise telephone customer service system (2013-01-18, Visual C++, 704KB, 下载4次)


[企业管理] CClient_Managu

Customer management system, vc++ and sql2000 do the customer management system maintained by the basic information off customer information maintenance, customer service, information inquiry, composed of several functional modules of the system management and help achieve complete (2012-08-13, Visual C++, 3273KB, 下载13次)


[企业管理] bolg

撒地方 (2010-03-04, Visual C++, 30368KB, 下载5次)


[企业管理] hotelcy

经过多年发展,餐饮管理已经逐渐由定性管理,进入到重视定量管理的科学阶段。众所周知,在定量管理的具体实现方法和手段方面,最有效的工具就是电脑管理。 传统的手工操作管理存在着许多无法避免的问题,例如:  人工计算帐单金额容易出现差错。  收银工作中跑单、漏单、偷钱现象普遍。  个别服务员作弊、改单、宰客情形时有发生。  客人消费单据难以保存和查询。  无法对大量营业数据进行统计分析。
After years of development, food and beverage management has gradually transformed from qualitative management, access to the emphasis on quantitative management science phase. As we all know, in the quantitative management of the specific ways and means to achieve the most effective tool is the Computer Management. The traditional manual operation and management, there are many unavoidable problems, such as:  bill the amount of manual calculation error prone.  cashier work, run a single, and missed orders, to steal money is widespread.  Individual attendant cheating, change orders, cheating cases have occurred.  guest spending is difficult to save documents and queries.  can not be a large number of business-related data for statistical analysis. (2009-11-25, Visual C++, 3621KB, 下载5次)
