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[其他行业] Billiards

VC++超强功能版台球厅计时收费管理系统,数据库使用Access,初始登录密码为111.   本台球计时系统功能主要有:系统参数设置、台球桌信息设置、台球桌使用登记、台球桌调换登记、费用结算、显示台球桌使用状态等。
Functional version of VC++ super pool hall time charge management system, database using Access, the initial login password is 111. The pool timing system features include: system parameter settings, set the pool table information, use the registration pool table, pool table exchange register cost of clearing, indicating a pool table with status. (2011-04-25, Visual C++, 151KB, 下载16次)
