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[软件设计/软件工程] yonghongplc

Yonghong PLC instructions and by VC++ connected PLC technical documentation, not the source, but to help develop (2012-12-03, Visual C++, 484KB, 下载11次)


[软件设计/软件工程] asdfasf

Automatic control theory and application (the beam Nandim Zhao Yongjun), very good book, but the beginning of a very complicated (2012-08-01, Visual C++, 2179KB, 下载9次)


[软件设计/软件工程] shoujishebao

手 机 社 保 服 务 项 目 调研报告 暨项目建议书
Research report-cum-project proposal of the mobile social security services (2012-07-24, Visual C++, 148KB, 下载9次)


[软件设计/软件工程] Tuxedo_quick_start

BEA TUXEDO是在企业、Internet 这样的分布式运算环境中开发和管理三层结构的客 户/服务器型关键任务应用系统的强有力工具。它具备分布式事务处理和应用通信功能,并提供完善的各种服务来建立、运行和管理关键任务应用系统。开发人员能够用它建立跨多个硬件平台、数据库和操作系统的可互操作的应用系统。BEA TUXEDO是企业、 Internet 分布式应用中的基础主干平台。它提供了一个开放的环境,支持各种各样的客 户、数据库、网络、遗留系统和通讯方式
BEA TUXEDO is in the enterprise, Internet, distributed computing environments such development and management of three-tier architecture, client/server-based mission-critical applications a powerful tool. It has distributed transaction processing and communications applications, and provide better services to build, run and manage mission-critical applications. Developers can use it to build across multiple hardware platforms, databases and operating systems interoperable applications. BEA TUXEDO is a business, Internet-based distributed applications in the main platform. It provides an open environment that supports a wide variety of clients, databases, networks, legacy systems and communications (2011-06-28, Visual C++, 388KB, 下载2次)


[软件设计/软件工程] roseserver81

roseonline源代碼 rev80 客戶端美服ver139
roseonline source code rev80 client service ver139 America (2009-10-15, Visual C++, 1371KB, 下载4次)
