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[Java编程] yeyou_v3.0

最新页游平台管理系统(免费版)平台功能: 玩家注册、平台充值、游戏接入、新闻发布、帐号管理、玩家管理、 游戏管理、服务器管理、第三方接口管理、充值管理、游戏测试、客服管理、礼包管理、 官网自建系统、推广系统、平台设置等。
The latest tour page platform management system (free version) platform features: Registered players, the platform recharge, game access, press releases, account management, player management, game management, server management, third-party interface management, voucher management, game testing, customer service management, management packs, the official website of self-built system, promotion system, platform settings. (2016-08-17, Visual C++, 26617KB, 下载8次)


[Java编程] softhy442d

TaokeOCS在线客服管理系统 开源版AJAX+JAVA+MYSQL开发的健壮的在线客服系统
Online Customer Management System TaokeOCS open source version of AJAX+ JAVA+ MYSQL development of robust online customer service system (2008-01-06, Visual C++, 6758KB, 下载48次)
