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[*行业应用] ly_v1.4

1.后台管理菜单整理,更方便管理 2.后台线路价格没有添加的错误 3.修改了信息管理页面的后台,更简单 4.修改了线路里面,行程安排,备注说明,线路景点,行程说明当信息为空不显示东西。 5.增加了汽车租赁 6.修改了网站在线客服QQ后台修改 7.首页增加了汽车租赁、国际线路
1. Admin menu order, more convenient management 2. Back line did not add the wrong price 3. To modify the background of the page of information management, easier 4. To modify the line inside, scheduling, notes, instructions, line attractions, travel shows that when information is empty does not show anything. 5. Increased the car rental 6. To modify the site back online customer service QQ changes 7. Home increased car rental, international routes (2011-05-25, Visual C++, 2217KB, 下载12次)
