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自动升降电梯控制器设计 要求: 设计一个6层楼的电梯控制器。 该控制器可控制电梯完成6层楼的载客服而且遵循方向优先原则,并能响应提前关门延时关门,并具有超载报警和故障报警; 同时指示电梯运行情况和电梯内外请求信息。
Auto-Lift elevator controller design requirements: design of a six-story elevator controller. The controller can control the completion of six-story elevator containing the principle of giving priority customer service, and follow the directions, and can respond to close ahead of schedule delay closing, and has overload alarm and fault alarm also instructed the elevator and elevator operation request information both inside and outside. (2009-09-24, VHDL, 138KB, 下载15次)
