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[collect] UberGuide-iOS

Third Prize for Uber Hackathon China 2016. Source code for iOS client of UberGuide Project. 用Uber API 让背包客通过Uber探索新的城市和文化。,
Third Prize for Uber Hackathon China 2016 Source code for iOS client of UberGuide Project Use Uber API to let backpackers explore new cities and cultures through Uber., (2016-06-20, Objective-C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] geektime-ios-course

极客时间 —《从0开发一款iOS应用》讲义及示例工程
Geek time - handout and example project of Developing an iOS Application from 0 (2019-08-18, Objective-C, 0KB, 下载0次)
