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[企业管理] jkcrm_jb51

This guest CRM customer management system is mainly developed to help enterprises solve encountered in the daily work of the customer management problem, through this guest CRM customer management system to different function of corporate affairs in the operation, the user can achieve fit the needs of different enterprises through the custom field type. (2017-03-08, Visual Basic, 22994KB, 下载2次)


[企业管理] BY20120328

客服系统管理功能 客服人员管理功能 账号管理功能 数据量大
Customer service systems management capabilities Customer Service personnel management functions account management functions (2012-07-26, Visual Basic, 2431KB, 下载6次)


[企业管理] customer

Basic customer information management, the use of databases and VB written in. University jobs report (2012-04-09, Visual Basic, 382KB, 下载5次)


[企业管理] Client

本系统主要实现三个功能:客户管理,销售管理,客服管理等。系统使用Microsoft公司的Visual FoxPro实现。
The system is mainly to achieve three functions: customer management, sales management, customer service management. System uses Microsoft' s Visual FoxPro to achieve. (2010-06-01, Visual Basic, 458KB, 下载6次)


[企业管理] IDCserviceprovidershostinformationmanagementsystem

IDC服务商域名主机信息管理系统 IDC service providers host information management system for domain names IDC service providers host information management system for domain names
IDC service providers host information management system for domain names (2009-09-15, Visual Basic, 587KB, 下载7次)
