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[医药行业] fggr

我国医疗器械的需求量将呈继续上升的态势,国内医疗器械市场前景将更加广阔。医疗器械企业的主要业务过程就是货物与资金的流转交替运作。从进货到库存、销售,即是一次完整的过程。这个过程设计得越合理,出错率就越小、周期就越短、资金周转的速度就越快,企业效益就会成倍增加,因此,我们推出了医疗行业进销存管理系统软件。 以永和医疗器械公司为背景,该系统对公司购销业务流程、内部调拨流程、财务审核流程、盘点管理等全程反映、控制、数据一体化,减少劳动强度、避免出错、明显提高企业管理水平。本设计对医疗器械有效期管理、销售管理有独到之处,可以设定库房医疗器械到期时间、按发出单位追踪发出货物有效期。保持合理的库存量,防止脱销与超储的发生,防止医疗器械过期失效,减少不必要的损失。
The old model of information sharing is based on a one-to-many distribution. It is constructed and controlled from the top of a hierarchical organization. For example, in the model followed by traditional media, a writer or team of writers is under one or more editors representing the interests of owners, engaged in sending one or more messages to readers, listeners, or watchers. The information flows in one direction only— from the media outlet to its consumers. (2010-03-04, Visual Basic, 984KB, 下载14次)
