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[.net编程] xymfpt

信游网页游戏运营平台,国内最专业的网页游戏运营平台。 主要功能: 1 用户管理功能 用户管理功能包括用户的注册、登录,用户帐号的权限调整、信息查看;包括用户推广体系和推广效果的查询等功能。 2 充值管理功能 充值管理功能主要有第三方充值系统的接入、用户订单查询、充值失败的补单、充值溢价、充值数据的分析等功能。 3 新闻管理功能 新闻管理功能包括新网、攻略、客服信息、活动公告等平台文章的发布、编辑、管理等功能。 4 游戏管理功能 游戏接入功能主要是指平台游戏的接入,登录、充值接口的制作,游戏、游戏服务器的编辑功能。 5 官网自建系统 后台创建、管理游戏官网,发表游戏新闻资讯、发放礼包卡等。 6 集成论坛系统 平台管理系统自带论坛功能,功能包括:发帖、回帖、加精、置顶等。 7 数据分析系统 用户留存率、活跃率、arpu值、转化率、广告效果等分析。 8 其他功能 其他功能是指除以上介绍外平台所提供的其他功能,例如友情连接管理、系统设置、自定义页面等等。
Main function: 1 user management function User management functions include user registration, login, permission to adjust, information user account to view query functions including user extension system and promotion effect. 2 top management function Access, user order charging management function mainly has third party system of charging, charging query failed single supplement, recharge, recharge premium data analysis etc.. 3 news management function News management including the new network, strategy, customer service information, event announcement platform post, edit, management and other functions. The 4 game management function Game access function mainly refers to the access platform game, making the login interface, recharge, games, game server editing functions. 5 website building system The background to create, management game website, publish news, game issued gift card. 6 integrated forum system Platform management system with the fo (2013-08-23, Visual Basic, 14069KB, 下载9次)


[.net编程] chatcn

vb.net 开发的在线客服系统,具有来客识别,访问统计等功能,和一般商业的客服系统没有区别
vb.net development of the online customer service system, with guest identification, access statistics and other functions, and general business of the customer service system does not distinguish (2010-12-03, Visual Basic, 4763KB, 下载18次)


[.net编程] zaixiankehuxitongnt

C# 2005 在线客服 有源代码 (vs 2005的 网站环境里竟然没有)
C# 2005 online customer service source code (vs 2005 environment, there is not even the website) (2010-08-10, Visual Basic, 13385KB, 下载10次)
