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[界面编程] Project1

The window remains on top, so that your program will never let users see! (2012-07-28, Visual Basic, 1KB, 下载4次)


[界面编程] ttt

VB automatically change the control once and for all so that the size, when the form is resized, how to dynamically change the size of the control of many VB programmers headaches. Some people set Resizable form the size of the control but do not change some people are under the control of absolute position and window size with addition and subtraction approach to re-position the control and change the size, this approach is relatively more complicated and can not be reused Of course, some people are limited not to change the window altogether. Is there a simple way? The answer is yes, give a permanent solution to the following (2010-09-11, Visual Basic, 4KB, 下载10次)


[界面编程] jointable

Single distribution warehouse and customer service compared to the combined data tables, and a progress bar (2007-11-05, Visual Basic, 179KB, 下载3次)


[界面编程] dfs

vb 怎么让窗体永在最后 vb的控制怎么让窗体永在最后
vb how to enable the form wing in the final control vb how to enable the form wing in the final (2007-10-10, Visual Basic, 1KB, 下载4次)
