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按分类查找All SQL Server(27) 

[SQL Server] customer-purchasing-system

本專題使用Python程式來連接SQL Server資料庫+SQL Server管理工具,製作一個簡易「客戶購買系統」,以便讓讀者深入了解客戶購買紀錄的過程。讓讀者了解如何在「客戶購買系統」操作環境中,撰寫各種SQL指令來查詢,了解每一位客戶的購買情況。
This topic uses Python program to connect SQL Server database+SQL Server management tool to create a simple "customer purchase system", so that readers can have a deep understanding of the process of customer purchase records. Let the reader know how to write various SQL commands to query in the "customer purchase system" operating environment, and understand the purchase situation of each customer. (2024-04-14, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] roject-jsp-sqlServer-TaichungCityUrbanDevelopment

Taichung Urban Development Bureau - Urban Design Service Network (2024-01-29, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] oject-jsp-sqlServer-TaichungCityUrbanDevelopment-

台中市都市發展局-都市設計服務網 2.0.0
Taichung Urban Development Bureau - Urban Design Service Network 2.0.0 (2024-01-29, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] WebSocketWithServer

WebSocket实现网页客服聊天,SQL Server存储数据
WebSocket enables web customer service chat and SQL Server stores data (2016-11-05, Java, 10781KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] mqtt-database-connection

Conex o do banco de dados SQL Server com服务商mqtt。
Conex o do banco de dados SQL Server com servidor mqtt. (2020-12-08, JavaScript, 15KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] Car-Showroom-Management-System

该应用程序是一个基于.NET Framework和C#的理想汽车展厅管理系统...
This application is management system for an ideal Automobile Showroom based on .NET Framework and C# Winforms Connected with SQL Server. (2022-02-14, C#, 5393KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] gmsv

内带简易sql,一键整合二键端 台服5.0
easy use 2 click server (2018-04-10, Java, 28571KB, 下载1次)


[SQL Server] vw

Provide the best database program codeThe end of the fast recovery fast reply customer payment delivery service soon payment in Fiao as soon as possible (2017-12-20, MQL, 3KB, 下载2次)


[SQL Server] goods

传智播客的网上书城系统 mysql+tomcat6.0
you will learn this (2014-12-03, Java, 11724KB, 下载37次)


[SQL Server] qiyedianhuakefuxitong

When customers call the business telephone customer service, the system will automatically receive, identify and record the caller s Caller ID and displays the corresponding customer information. When the customer calls into the system automatically play has set a good welcome. Outside calls transferred to the agent phone function, so that the caller can be prompted by the system, into a human service personnel to communicate directly with the agent. Agent Phone forwarded to the agent phone function. (2014-11-19, C#, 707KB, 下载4次)



GMS 148 SHOP SQL 本源码为冒险岛国际服148版源码
GMS 148 SHOP SQL 本源码为冒险岛国际服148版源码 (2014-10-01, Java, 3072KB, 下载8次)


[SQL Server] 123456

Use the SQL language of the realization of the sofa guest database system, including documents and SQL source code (2012-07-16, SQL, 80KB, 下载3次)


[SQL Server] Transact-SQL

Teaching e-book Transact-SQL 對使用 Microsoft® SQL Server™ 非常重要。與 SQL Server 通訊的所有應用程序都通過向服務器發送 Transact-SQL 語句來進行通訊
Teaching e-book Transact-SQL Microsoft ® SQL Server ™ is very important. All applications to communicate with SQL Server through Transact-SQL statements to the server to send communications (2012-05-05, SQL, 1068KB, 下载2次)


[SQL Server] city-bao

客服中心报告上传SQL文,处理数据传输问题。从地方市级上传到省级 callcenter
REPORT FOR ZHEJIANG CALLCENTER (2012-03-02, Visual Basic, 10KB, 下载3次)


[SQL Server] yoyo

This system is relatively rare, is a family-OK Office management system, the system you have to help (2010-01-23, Visual Basic, 2879KB, 下载2次)


[SQL Server] Timechargesystem

此台球厅计时收费系统是用vc++6.0和SQL SERVER 2000数据库,采用注册表技术,可以脱机执行功能,绝对适合用应与现实中的娱乐场所,功能强大。登陆密码111,不需要用户名
Office of the billiard system is a time to use vc++6.0 and SQL SERVER 2000 database, using registry technology to implement offline functionality, should be suitable for the absolute reality of the entertainment and powerful. 111 password, no user name (2009-07-20, Visual C++, 263KB, 下载55次)


[SQL Server] Scheduler

A strong service program from time to time, because often when we try to regularly do the same thing, but sometimes forget, so this service has written procedures, a bit like a regular Sql Like the Job, you can set how long the implementation of the first. (2009-04-17, Pascal, 723KB, 下载6次)


[SQL Server] PcCode_200885212847484

奔票面厅局级老一辈[这夺喹 大无畏 厅天地
Towards the older generation of the department or bureau level par [This dauntless Office quinoline world away (2009-03-29, SQL, 63KB, 下载2次)


[SQL Server] 030107_1032319790_SQLServer2005_MCTS

SQL Server 2005 SSIS 整合服務
SQL Server 2005 SSIS integration services (2007-09-03, PPT, 1241KB, 下载74次)


[SQL Server] cfxt

pb与sql2000 咖啡厅管理
coffee house management of pb and sql2000 (2004-08-26, SQL, 1920KB, 下载30次)
