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按分类查找All Java书籍(10) 

[Java书籍] book-JavaEE-SSM

Java EE框架技术(SpringMVC+Spring+Mybatis)-陈永政-西安电子科技大学出版社,
Java EE framework technology (SpringMVC+Spring+Mybatis) - Chen Yongzheng - Xi an University of Electronic Science and Technology Press, (2018-04-17, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Java书籍] 1、java简介

This is a brief introduction to Java mind map, which is always open by XMIND, otherwise it will go wrong. Learn to do, please teach (2018-05-24, Java, 37KB, 下载0次)


[Java书籍] 程序员面试宝典

Java common interview questions, data from cattle net. (2018-05-18, Java, 624KB, 下载7次)


[Java书籍] java23种设计模式

design models for Java (2017-10-07, Java, 365KB, 下载6次)


[Java书籍] CoreJAVA

《Java核心技术》卷1 基础知识,原书第8版,(叶乃文,邝劲筠,杜永萍译),高清版,适合Java入门
Java core technology Volume I, 8th edition of the original book, (Yenai Wen Kwong Jin Yun, Du Yongping translation), high-definition version, suitable for Java Getting Started (2015-09-28, Java, 19474KB, 下载6次)


[Java书籍] mobile-application-JavaaC-Sharp

第一部分介绍手机 MIDP 程序的基础,包括J2ME 核心类、用户界面、事件处理;第二部分是MIDP 高级编程,包括多线程、I/O 及网络编程、数据库、多媒体及GAME API 编程等;第三部分是移动应用的深入话题,包括扩展类库、与服 务端联合搭建移动应用、XML 及Web Service、短信编程等,并介绍了各种移动平台下的开发方式。
The first part introduces mobile phone MIDP program, including the J2ME core classes, user interface, event handling the second part of the MIDP high-level programming, multi-threaded, I/O And network programming, database, multimedia and GAME the API programming, etc. The third part is the in-depth topic in the mobile applications, including the expansion of the class library, and service Service-side joint to build mobile applications, XML and Web Service, SMS programming and development under a variety of mobile platforms. (2012-05-16, Java, 5371KB, 下载3次)


[Java书籍] Java.Servlets.ProgrammingGuide

如果您是一位开发人员或者程序员,而且您对在WEB服务器上利用 JAVA 感兴趣,那么,这本书正适合您。本书主要介绍如何使用 Servlet API 以及解决在客服机/服务器环境中使用 JAVA 时可能遇到的问题。
If you are a developer or programmer, and you use the server in JAVA WEB interested, then this book is for you. This book describes how to use the Servlet API and resolve customer/server environment using JAVA may encounter. (2010-07-22, Java, 22368KB, 下载4次)


[Java书籍] Java_puzzlers

java FAQ, the book close-up of the 95 or the Java class libraries of traps and pitfalls of puzzles, most of which have adopted the puzzle the way the short program, the behavior of these procedures appear to differ with. Are given after each puzzle are answered in detail the program, the FAQ on the program behavior program beyond the simple explanation, to show the reader how to avoid the underlying traps once and for all and defects. . (2010-06-01, Java, 1103KB, 下载3次)


[Java书籍] java

计算器课程设计~~~java 希望大家永德到
Curriculum Design Calculator ~ ~ ~ java Yongde hope to (2009-06-10, Java, 10KB, 下载17次)


[Java书籍] EIO_API_doc

OFFICE Yongzhong help secondary development documents, internal information (2008-09-08, Java, 1505KB, 下载14次)
