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[压缩解压] Podload

这是一个基于命令行的工具,它从用于下载播客的压缩配置RSS提要信息中提取信息。同时使用Mp3和基于视频的提要此项目可以在Visual basic中追溯到2008年或2009年,在2010年用C#重写了性能和较小的EXE大小。此后,添加了一些小的更改,如来自新框架的额外工具(Linq、Tasks、parallel)。这是在需要media center自动下载基于RSS的源(如修订版3视频)的情况下创建的
This is a command line based tool, that pulls from a compressed configuration RSS feed info used to download podcasts. Works with both Mp3 and video based feeds This project dates back to 2008 or 2009 in Visual basic, with a rewrite for performance and smaller EXE size in 2010 in C#. Since then small changes such as extra tools from new frameworks, (Linq, Tasks, parallel) has been added. This was created in a need to have my media center autodownload RSS based feeds such as revision 3 videos a (2024-03-03, GO, 0KB, 下载0次)


[压缩解压] yhjsf

djhfeuhyfhduihdfkudfh (2009-04-21, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载10次)
