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[数据集] PwC-virtual-internship-program-on-PowerBI

该存储库包含由Forage提供的普华永道数字提升技能Power BI虚拟案例体验的文件和解决方案。该存储库包括三个任务,每个任务具有不同的数据集和普华永道员工的一组指令。这些任务包括使用PowerBI进行数据清理、建模、可视化和分析。
This repository contains the files and solutions for the PwC Digital Up-skilling Virtual Case Experience on Power BI, offered by Forage. The repository includes three tasks, each with a different dataset and a set of instructions from PwC staff. The tasks cover data cleaning, modeling, visualization, and analysis using Power BI. (2023-12-25, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据集] wer-BI-Analysis-of-PwC-Company-s-Call-Center-Data

该Power BI项目专注于分析和可视化普华永道公司的呼叫中心数据,该数据集包含5000条记录。,
This Power BI project focuses on analyzing and visualizing call center data from PwC Company, which comprises a dataset with 5000 records., (2023-10-27, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)
