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按分类查找All xml/soap/webservice(4) 
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[xml/soap/webservice] calculadora

calcular con servidor soap, (2023-08-29, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[xml/soap/webservice] shazhiqiu_taoke_free_v3.2

程序说明:此版本为免费版本,但先要到官网注册账号,然后授权一个域名 修正: 1、后台登陆的一种bug,有时无法登陆 2、修正sitemap.xml 【升级方法】 V3.0升级到V3.2 请www.shazhiqiu.cn下载最新的程序(控制面板 淘客免费版下载) 解压文件出来上传覆盖相关文件 bin目录覆盖就行
Program description: This version is free version, but first to the official website of the registered account, and then authorize a domain name Correction: 1, the background of a bug landing, sometimes unable to log in 2, sitemap.xml [upgrade method] V3.0 upgrade to V3.2 Please download the latest www.shazhiqiu.cn program (control panel, Amoy free download) Extract the file to upload the relevant documents Bin directory coverage on the line (2015-12-14, ASP, 4579KB, 下载1次)


[xml/soap/webservice] JDBCXML-DBTOXML-DataExchang

This data shows an instance of the converter is fitted to the data in the DB replaced by XML formatted data, aimed primarily at customer service platform, data format between the non-uniform problems. (2009-09-12, Java, 139KB, 下载174次)


[xml/soap/webservice] deeptreemenu

the tree menu is the xmlhttp for asynchronous data loading, and services can be isolated from the service, the server only under conditions xml data generated using xsl analysis of data and display. (2007-04-27, JavaScript, 16KB, 下载12次)
