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[文章/文档] 1.76复古金币传奇原版

1.76复古金币传奇原版 可执行文件 ,搭私服用自己玩
1.76 original legend of gold coin (2020-11-23, WINDOWS, 41393KB, 下载10次)


[文章/文档] 吴恩达深度学习基础教程

吴恩达博士是Google Brain项目的发起人和领导者,斯坦福大学的计算机科学教授,Coursera的联合创始人和联合主席。他还曾任百度的副总裁和首席科学家,
Dr. Wu Enda is the founder and leader of the Google Brain project, a professor of computer science at the Stanford University, co - founder and co - chair of the Coursera. He also served as vice president and chief scientist of Baidu (2018-03-26, WINDOWS, 7618KB, 下载7次)


[文章/文档] ADS加不上路由的若干可能性V1.02 - 副本

The solution of the communication problem between the controller and PC (2017-11-29, WINDOWS, 359KB, 下载10次)


[文章/文档] 零工

1, 2, 3, three city each year to 320250 and 350 respectively, power supply unit, an I, II provides two power stations, the maximum power supply which is 400 units and 450 units respectively, the unit cost (yuan) as shown in the following table. Because the demand is greater than the supply available, decided to supply 1 of the city can be reduced by 0 units to 30 units, the supply of city 2 unchanged, the supply is not less than 270 of the city 3 units, try to seek the lowest total cost allocation scheme (the power supply will be exhausted). (2017-06-07, WINDOWS, 5KB, 下载2次)


[文章/文档] 揭秘世界500强公司面试问题及答案

java source code examples (2004-12-08, WINDOWS, 5KB, 下载65次)
