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[系统设计方案] matlabz

This is a product, we hope to be useful, thank you (2015-05-07, C++ Builder, 2968KB, 下载1次)


[系统设计方案] 456456

Music site ASP. Computers and the rapid development of computer networks, people rely on computer networks is growing. People chat online dating, online ask questions, access to information, also play games online. In addition, people will conduct business transactions on the Internet, download information, has a large number of users. E-commerce in particular the people greatly reduced dependence on the surrounding environment, no matter where the users, you can navigate to information of all kinds all over the world, very convenient, due to the above advantages, various types of sites such as mushroom-like appearance This is my graduation in practice. (2011-03-31, C++ Builder, 6KB, 下载1次)
