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[C#编程] test

examnation system (2009-03-11, C++ Builder, 1208KB, 下载67次)


[C#编程] 哈夫曼译码

[基本要求] 一个完整的系统应具有以下功能: (1)I:初始化(Initialization)。从终端读入字符集大小n,以及n个字符和n个权值,建立哈夫曼树,并将它存于文件hfmTree中。 (2)E:编码(Encoding)。利用已建好的哈夫曼树(如不在内存,则从文件hfmTree中读入),对文件ToBeTran中的正文进行编码,然后将结果存入文件CodeFile中。 (3)D:译码(Decoding)。利用已建好的哈夫曼树将文件CodeFile中的代码进行译码,结果存入文件TextFile中。 (4)P:印代码文件(Print)。将文件CodeFile以紧凑格式显示在终端上,每行50个代码。同时将此字符形式的编码文件写入文件CodePrin中。 (5)T:印哈夫曼树(Tree printing)。将已在内存中的哈夫曼树以直观的方式(树或凹入表形式)显示在终端上,同时将此字符形式的哈夫曼树写入文件TreePrint中。 [测试数据] (1)利用下面这道题中的数据调试程序。 某系统在通信联络中只可能出现八种字符,其概率分别为0.25,0.29,0.07,0.08,0.14,0.23,0.03,0.11,试设计哈夫曼编码。 (2)用下表给出的字符集和频度的实际统计数据建立哈夫曼树,并实现以下报文的编码和译码:“THIS PROGRAM IS MY FAVORITE”。
[basic requirements] a complete system should have the following functions : (a) I : initialization (Initialization). Reading from the terminal into the HKSCS size n, and n n characters and the right value, the establishment of Huffman tree. it will be stored in documents hfmTree China. (2) E : coding (Encoding). Use has completed the Huffman tree (if not memory, from hfmTree document reads), the document ToBeTran the encoded text, and then the results were CodeFile posting documents. (3) D : Decoding (Decoding). The use of the completed document will Huffman tree CodeFile the code decoding, results were deposited documents TextFile. (4) P : India source document (Print). CodeFile of documents to compact format in the end, every line 50 code. While this form of characters encoded files int (2006-01-04, C++ Builder, 990KB, 下载148次)
