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[数据结构] shiyan

试验二代码 //假设有两个按元素值递增有序的线性表A和B,均以单链表作存储结构,试编写算法将A //表和B表归并成一个按元素值递减有序的线性表C,并要求利用原表的空间存放C。
Test two code// Suppose there are two elements of value by increasing order of the linear form A and B, are linked as a single storage structure, try writing the algorithm A// table and B merge into a table element values ​ ​ decreasing by a sequence of linear form C, and requires the use of the original table space to store C. (2011-10-12, C++ Builder, 1KB, 下载3次)


[数据结构] shiyan

实验一代码程序 设线性表存放在向量A[arrsize]的前elenum个分量中,且递增有序。 //试设计一算法,将x插入到线性表的适当位置上,以保持线性表的有序性
//Test a program code// set linear table stored in the vector A [arrsize] elenum a component in the first, and increasing order.// Try to design a algorithm, the linear form x into the proper position to maintain the orderly nature of the linear form (2011-10-12, C++ Builder, 1KB, 下载3次)


[数据结构] Noname1

Let the linear vector table is stored in A [arrsize] elenum a component in the first, and increasing order. Design a test algorithm, the linear form x into the proper position to maintain the orderly nature of the linear table. (2011-10-12, C++ Builder, 2KB, 下载6次)
