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按分类查找All 棋牌游戏(9) 
按平台查找All C++ Builder(9) 

[棋牌游戏] fly

修改了随机数的产生机制,修改了设置时的问题,修改了按键设置,游戏的时候更人性化,修改了玩家选择闪耀的位置 使它更完美
Modified random number generation mechanism to amend the settings of the problem, modify the key set, when the game is more humane, to modify the position of the players choose to make it more perfect shine (2013-08-10, C++ Builder, 37KB, 下载3次)


[棋牌游戏] YayaDDZ

Snake game for the LAN, through trial in the XP environment, but only for people entertainment, and does not have artificial intelligence (2013-02-25, C++ Builder, 45213KB, 下载12次)


[棋牌游戏] wuziqi

Everyone spent their childhood played a game. . . Produced with the BCB. . (2009-09-23, C++ Builder, 12KB, 下载7次)


[棋牌游戏] landlord

We all love to play a game-斗地主of open source code, in this share (2009-04-14, C++ Builder, 419KB, 下载13次)


[棋牌游戏] Tetris

俄罗斯方块虽然是非常古老的小游戏, 但现在仍然百玩不厌。 为了让大家看清程序的算法, 程序的界面尽量简单, 没有过多的修饰。
Tetris is a very old game, but play is still not tire hundred. Procedures in order to allow everyone to see the algorithm, the program interface as simple as possible, without too much modification. (2009-03-29, C++ Builder, 239KB, 下载7次)


[棋牌游戏] wobuhuiyingwen

Board games, a good source code is in my spare time I do so out of the entertainment I hope you like (2008-12-29, C++ Builder, 20015KB, 下载35次)


[棋牌游戏] xiyangqishi

are many ways! Chinese chess knight of the law and take a horse like chess, only two horizontal lattice, a vertical or horizontal one lattice lattice, two vertical lattice (but chess piece must be placed on the lattice), with a further two species go, The second step will take five species law. this is a 5* 5 chessboard, and the Knights up in the upper left corner, the first step (0, 0) position and try to find a path, Knight to make the 25-step within the remaining 24 locations completed all. Output results, Knight will be on display on the path of the 5* 5 box, Each box shows left here for the first box synchronization figures. (2007-05-06, C++ Builder, 4KB, 下载1次)


[棋牌游戏] wuzhiqigamec08

网络五子棋 Version 1.0 利用TCP协议进行通信,供两个人同时玩。
331 Version 1.0 network using TCP communications for two people to play. (2006-03-16, C++ Builder, 92KB, 下载6次)


[棋牌游戏] 第5题 福彩游戏

a small lottery games, with c achieve. Functions may not be too long, hope that we can improve what! (2005-04-19, C++ Builder, 36KB, 下载17次)
