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按分类查找All GPS编程(4) 
按平台查找All Java(4) 

[GPS编程] In-VehicleInfotainment

Project objective: To develop a secure and usable multimodal In-Vehicle Infotainment system that provides functionalities such GPS based navigation, music, Radio, phone, HVAC (2019-02-21, Java, 714KB, 下载0次)


[GPS编程] google-play-game-services-ane

玩Android ANE的游戏服务,这是一个flash air开发人员的库。允许用户使用Google+登录以上传高...
Play Games Services for Android ANE,A lib for flash air developer.Enable user to log in with Google+ to upload high score and achievements. With this Adobe Air Native Extension of gps,as3 developer can add game center in air app such as Achievements,Leaderboards,Sign ,Multiplayer, Admob and so on. (2016-04-01, Java, 411KB, 下载0次)


[GPS编程] RtkGps

Playing with rtklib on android (2022-04-03, Java, 1111KB, 下载0次)


[GPS编程] ZombieWars

多人衛星定位遊戲-殭屍大戰 遊戲玩法:一開始玩家皆是人類,待遊戲等待時間結束後,會隨機跳選一名玩家為殭屍,只要被殭屍抓到的人類,也會被感染成為殭屍,並且一起感染所剩的人類倖存者,殭屍於100秒限時內感染全部人類,即可獲勝,反之,於時間結束仍有人類倖存者,則為人類獲勝。
Multiplayer the Satellite Positioning game- Zombie Wars gameplay: the beginning players are human, until the game waiting for the time after randomly skips a player as zombies, as long as the zombies catch the human will be infected become zombies. and with infection remaining human survivors of the zombie in infection of all mankind within the time limit of 100 seconds, and can win the contrary, at the time the end of the still-human survivors, compared with human victory. (2012-09-29, Java, 1114KB, 下载7次)
