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[机器人/智能制造] Pika-Bot

The independently developed Picchu QQ group chat robot based on the mirai console, including group management, entertainment and other functions, (2023-10-13, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[机器人/智能制造] Kob

Kob is a human-computer combat platform built on the basis of SpringBoot and Vue, modeled after the BotZone of Peking University, which is developed by separating the front end from the rear end, including registration and login, automatic matching, online combat, bot code management, combat record, game playback, points and ranking, and supports multiple pairs of players to manually or customize bot codes for human, human-computer, and machine combat. Follow the micro clothing, (2023-10-04, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[机器人/智能制造] HorseMount

HorseMount is a flexible player mount system for Minecraft. It allows players to summon and dismiss horse mounts with a simple command. Players can also choose to set their default mount via command or sign from 140 different mount types. (2014-08-25, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[机器人/智能制造] FRC-Camp-23

与Romi Robots一起玩的实验代码。,
Experimental code to play with Romi Robots., (2023-08-26, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[机器人/智能制造] Gomoku-AI

:robot: - \- This is basically a AI based x board Gomoku game where a player can play with the computer. (2018-11-27, Java, 3685KB, 下载0次)


[机器人/智能制造] RobotClass

RobotClass, playing robotics java project (2016-11-30, Java, 2018KB, 下载0次)


[机器人/智能制造] AXBot

AXBot, the ultimate goal of AXBot is to become a versatile gaming robot that can assist players in obtaining, analyzing game data, and easily querying game data. (2023-05-02, Java, 350KB, 下载0次)


[机器人/智能制造] Android-Buggy

Android-Buggy,将智能手机变成机器人,利用智能手机作为低成本机器人的大脑,配合单片机控制舵机做一些有趣的事情。 其实就是自己DIY玩的,就和小时候玩的4驱车一样。有买成品的,有买散件自己组装的。而我就是后者,享受自己DIY的快乐。
Android Buggy, turning smartphones into robots, using smartphones as the brain of low-cost robots, and cooperating with microcontrollers to control the servo to do some interesting things. In fact, I played DIY on my own, just like the 4-wheel drive I used to play when I was a child. There are those who buy finished products and those who buy spare parts and assemble them themselves. And I am the latter, enjoying the joy of DIY. (2023-01-09, Java, 243625KB, 下载0次)


[机器人/智能制造] ZeroKingBot

ZeroKingBot, Warframe game query, entertainment QQ robot (2023-04-22, Java, 7560KB, 下载0次)


[机器人/智能制造] TideBot

TideBot,我的 IRC 机器人,虽然这个 Bot 能让聊天者在 IRC 里玩游戏,但除了游戏,还有其他很多功能。
TideBot, my IRC robot. Although this bot allows chat users to play games in IRC, there are many other functions besides gaming. (2023-03-19, Java, 413KB, 下载0次)
