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[Redis] springsecurity-redis-juwan_project

Added a permission access mechanism in JuPlay s management system (2023-12-19, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] Jusic-serve

Jusic-serve, 基于 Java 开发的一个在线点歌服务,无需登录即可体验聊天、斗图、音乐、点播、娱乐
Jusic-serve, an online song ordering service developed in Java, allows users to experience chat, Doutu, music, on-demand, and entertainment without logging in (2023-05-14, Java, 2098KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] manon

manon,玩SpringBoot 2和3,JWT,Querydsl,GraphQL,Docker,ELK,PostgreSQL,MariaDB,Redis,MongoDB,Flyway,Maven...
?? Play with SpringBoot 2&3, JWT, Querydsl, GraphQL, Docker, ELK, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, Redis, MongoDB, Flyway, Maven, Gradle, TestNG, JUnit5, JaCoCo, GreenMail, CI, Quality Gates, Prometheus, Gatling, etc. (2023-05-14, Java, 367KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] SlcpBlog

SlcpBlog, 基于vue和SpringBoot的博客系统,不仅仅是一个文章分享项目,还有听歌、相册、烟花模拟器、动态诗歌等等娱乐功能。并且集成了图床功能、第三方QQ登录、QQ邮箱发送彩虹屁、支付宝付款、文章编辑Markdown、基于注解实现Redis...
SlcpBlog, a blog system based on Vue and SpringBoot, is not only an article sharing project, but also has entertainment functions such as listening to music, photo albums, fireworks simulators, dynamic poetry, and more. It also integrates the map bed function, third-party QQ login, QQmail sending rainbow farts, Alipay payment, article editor Markdown, and Redis based on annotations (2023-05-14, Java, 74826KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] RedisBungee

RedisBungee,在BungeCord Velocity代理之间同步玩家数据
RedisBungee,Synchronize players data between BungeeCord Velocity proxies (2023-05-14, Java, 166KB, 下载0次)
