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[汇编语言] NanoPlayBoard-Android-App

Android应用程序可与Arduino NanoPlayBoard交互和玩。
Android app to interact _and_ play with the Arduino NanoPlayBoard. (2016-10-07, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[汇编语言] Android-Multiplayer-Tutorial

GRPC - Protocol Buffers - Multiplayer Architecture (2018-11-27, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[汇编语言] PhoneShow

源语言: 检测到中文目标语言: 英语翻译自动检测 阿拉伯语 德语 俄语 法语 韩语 葡萄牙语 日语 泰语 文言文 西班牙语 意大利语 英语 粤语 中文 阿拉伯语 德语 俄语 法语 韩语 葡萄牙语 日语 泰语 文言文 西班牙语 意大利语 英语 粤语 中文 请输入您要翻译的文字内容或网页地址,回车即可翻译 来电秀源码!来电秀相信大家都玩过的,可以修改来电的显示状态,很基础的代码结构,希望可以帮到大家! ON划词翻译ON实时翻译来电秀源码!来电秀相信大家都玩过的,可以修改来电的显示状态,很基础的代码结构,希望可以帮到大家! Call show source! To show that we all played, you can modify the display state calls, code structure is the foundation, the hope can help to you! (2014-08-13, Java, 1729KB, 下载13次)


[汇编语言] MD5

this is just a manager vb daima ,if you like it ,i will thank you very much.what a good day.i will be unger (2010-12-06, Java, 2KB, 下载1次)


[汇编语言] O5

1,定义一个类Card,该类的对象代表一张扑克牌。要求包含三个属性:点数,花色,和大小王信息(三者均为enum类型)。要求扑克牌能比较大小,比较规则为: a,大王最大,小王其次。 b,其他的扑克牌按点数大小来比,点数相同的按花色来比(花色从大到小的顺序是:黑桃>红桃>梅花>方块)。 2,为Card类写一个静态方法: static TreeSet[] dispatch(int players,int reservers),要求用一副扑克牌随机的为多人发牌,并预留给定张数的底牌,返回一个TreeSet数组,保存排好序的每个玩家得到的牌,以及预留的底牌。 3,写一个主方法测试以上程序,输出每次发牌的结果。
define a class Card, the class object represents a playing card. Requirement contains three attributes: points, color, and size of the king of information (three are enum types.) Asked to compare the size of playing cards, more rules: a, King largest, followed by Wang. b, other than poker size in points, points to the same than by color (color in sequence are: spades> hearts> plum> box). 2, for the Card class to write a static method: static TreeSet [] dispatch (int players, int reservers), require more than a deck of cards for the licensing of random, and set aside a given number of sheets of the cards, return an array of TreeSet, save the sorted each player get the card, and set aside the cards. 3, write a main method to test the above procedure, the output results of each license. (2010-10-22, Java, 2KB, 下载4次)


[汇编语言] code

A period of very significant source, read on to know, do not believe try ah! (2007-09-21, Java, 46529KB, 下载112次)
