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[数据结构] rb-tree

红黑树的算法,网上有好多例子,包括移植STL中的RBTREE算法,但是我试了,不怎么好用阿。 这是麻省理工数据结构课程的一个实现,我把它改造了一下,经过30-40万的数据量测试 windows/unix下都做过测试,没有问题。
Red and black tree algorithm, the Internet has a lot of examples, including the transplantation of STL algorithms RBTREE, but I tried, not very easy to use the Arab-Israeli. This is the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, a data structure course realize, I modified it a bit, after 30-40 million the amount of data to test windows/unix done under test, no problem. (2008-03-02, Windows_Unix, 5KB, 下载179次)
