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[杀毒] Kill-the-virus

一款由两名玩家玩的游戏,他们通过点击病毒来竞争最快的 React时间。(学校作业)
A game for two players where they compete to have the fastest reaction time by clicking on the virus. (School assignment) (2024-05-17, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[杀毒] kill_das_virus_game

协作双人实时游戏的目标是尽快点击一个病毒来消灭它!首先点击的玩家将获得点数。 React时间被测量并用于计算游戏结束时的平均高分。
Collaborative two-player realtime game where the goal is to as quickly as possible click a virus to exterminate it! Points are given to the player that clicks first. Reaction time is measured and used to calculate average high score at end of game. (2024-04-14, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[杀毒] kill-das-virus

A group project we did in school, a 2-player real-time game where the players should click on a virus as quickly as possible (2024-04-09, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)
