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按分类查找All 射击游戏(3) 
按平台查找All Delphi(3) 

[射击游戏] leidian3xiugai

Lightning 3, modifiers, the corresponding Long Man 3 video game released by lightning, mainly to read and modify memory (2010-01-04, Delphi, 181KB, 下载4次)


[射击游戏] aliens_src

Bee classic games, suitable for playing in the office (2008-07-04, Delphi, 211KB, 下载3次)


[射击游戏] DelphiGame

这个软件是用Delphi 7开发的。 原本它是两个人在纸面上玩的益智游戏,转移到电脑上后我给它添加了人机对奕和网络对战的功能。 在本源码中你可以看到电脑AI实现方法,ClientSocket,ServerSocket的使用,控件的编写,ListBox的OwnerDraw的实现等等技巧。 请先安装里面的GridPanel控件才可正常编译。 永远支持Delphi!
use of this software is developed by Delphi 7. Originally it was two people on paper playing educational games. transferred to a computer after I add it to the human-computer war games and network functions. In the source code, you can see the computer AI method, ClientSocket. ServerSocket the use, control of the preparation, ListBox the realization of the OwnerDraw skills, and so on. Please installed inside GridPanel normal controls can build. Delphi will always support! (2006-08-22, Delphi, 380KB, 下载45次)
