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[Java编程] zbird_DirTree_v1

这个程序的基础框架部分是我在玩OOP玩得走火入魔的时候写的(当然那个时候是有意要走火入魔的了:-)。当时本来是想做一个光盘目录管理之类的东西,不过后来发现工作量太大了,这个工程被我给永久的Hibernate了。 总是觉得一些半成品放在硬盘上未免有些可惜,这些代码对一些初学OOP的朋友来说或许还会有些用。想想还是简单的改改发布好了。 虽然当时对OOP走火入魔,在设计的过程中存在很严重的过度设计。不过就现在发布这些代码来说设计还算是合理的了。 在程序对程序目录的处理过程中,最初是使用的XML文件进行处理,后来改成了自定义格式,再到现在直接将目录保存到文本中。在更换处理方式的时候,对目录进行遍历的uMakeCD.pas一直未修改过,而在对目录进行保存的时候只是对接口的具体实现进行了相应的修改而已。
this procedure part of the basic framework is playing OOP farthest extremes of writing (of course, that time is intended to extremes of the :-). When originally wanted to do a CD-ROM directory management things like, but later found the workload too much, I of this project was to a permanent Hibernate. Always think on some semi-finished drives it is really a pity that some of the code of learning OOP friends perhaps also of some use. Consider a simple change or change a good release. Although the OOP obsessions, in the process of designing the existence of a very serious over-design. But on releasing the code run design contests are reasonable in the past. The procedure for directory of the process, the initial use of XML document processing, and later changed since the definition formats, (2005-09-22, Delphi, 31KB, 下载8次)
