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[远程控制/远程桌面] Corpses-wereV1.2.2

这个就是在小熊论坛上下的收尸者 v1.1.1 作者不知道是谁,整个框架和某开源的远控非常相似, api基本都是动态调用,函数 过程等。。。。既然不全,开了不知道是什么意思?????? 为什么MINIRat还有人更新?可能是代码比较全一点吧。。。个人觉得。 因为快过年,也没时间继续改了,1.1.9加了文件管理模块,上传和下载还没完成,工作实在很忙了。。。。 请有能力的哥们帮忙完成。感谢中。。。。 去掉了其他没用的模块。什么进程,服务管理,注册表这类东西,有几次能用的着? 反正我用的很少,所以del之。 这个版本准备加个屏幕,最终就是文件加屏幕加插件,这三个东西了,够用了吧? 木马也就是后门,提供方便的,搞太多功能也没啥意思,有个文件管理足也。。。。 主要在启动和隐藏方面下点功夫,本人菜鸟一个,希望有人把这个收尸者进行下去,看看到底能改到什么版本。 大家改的好的话也希望拿出来晒晒,就算展示自己的才能吧。如果没人进行修改下去,年后我还继续。 祝大家玩得愉快! by locks 2010 1 27 v1.2 今天有了点空就继续更新完成了文件模块,文件配置等。下次加上屏幕。服务端代码优化等等。。。 client 有时间重新画一个好看点的。
The Bear Forum is up and down the corpses who do not know who the author v1.1.1, the open source framework and remote control of a very similar api are basically dynamic invocation, the function processes. . . . Since incomplete, opened do not know what it means? ? ? ? ? ? Why MINIRat also updated? Code may be a little more all right. . . Personally feel. Because the New Year approached, there is no time to change, and 1.1.9 added a document management module, upload and download is not yet complete, work is very busy. . . . Please have the ability to help the man complete. Thanks in. . . . Removed other useless modules. What process, service management, registry of such things, there are few usable again? Anyway, I use very little, so del it. This version is ready to add a screen, the final screen is the file plus additional plug-ins, these three things, good enough for you? Backdoor Trojan that is, to provide convenient, engaging in too many features mean noth (2011-09-05, Delphi, 720KB, 下载24次)


[远程控制/远程桌面] beqeermote1.0

远控 开源,包含大部分功能,玩过鸽子的都明白吧
Remote control open source, including most of the functionality, all know that it played a dove (2010-11-24, Delphi, 118KB, 下载15次)
