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[大数据] Netflix-data-analysis

Explore the world of streaming entertainment with this comprehensive Netflix Data Analysis project. Leveraging Python and popular data science libraries, we delve into a rich dataset to uncover valuable insights and trends within the Netflix platform. (2024-02-19, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] forbes-billionaires

EDA done on the Forbes Billionaires Data (2024-01-02, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] Data-Science-Interview-Questions-Prep

"Comprehensive collection of Data Science interview questions and answers, aiding candidates in preparing for data science job interviews.", (2023-09-13, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] Drawdown-well-testing

1. Calculating Res-Permeability using Data : Well Test Analysis (drawdown test), A. Cartesian Analysis : Tells what kind of test is it., B. Semilog Analysis : High level searching for MTR., C. Log-Log Plot : Computations., D. Semi-Log Plot for IARF MTR only, CONCLUSION : Finding Permeability (2023-09-07, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] PUBG-clustering-player-behavior-for-cheaters

Given a dataset from Kaggle. EDA + ML was utilized to cluster player behavior to detect cheaters. Deliverables include dashboards and a hacker detection application. (2023-08-19, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] Predict-payment-ML-XGBoost

“付费选座服务”是国内传统航空公司又一辅助服务试水。根据航信的统计数 据,从国内某大型航空公司去年推出的选座产品来看,基本每个航班完成了 70% 以上的销售任务,航空公司为此获得了良好的收益。如何识别选座意愿,则具有重要现实意义!
"Paid seat selection service" is another auxiliary service of domestic traditional airlines. According to the statistics of TravelSky, from the seat selection product launched by a large domestic airline last year, almost every flight has completed more than 70% of the sales task, and the airline has gained good profits for this. How to identify the willingness of seat selection is of great practical significance! (2022-07-01, Jupyter Notebook, 3332KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] PythonElectivesHomeWork

Hefei University of Technology Python Play Big Data Elective Course Assignment (2022-12-04, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] Python_NJU

用Python玩转数据 南京大学MOOC
Play with data in Python Nanjing University MOOC (2018-11-14, Jupyter Notebook, 26302KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] SP20_Forex-Trading-Final-Project_StanfordMSE448

斯坦福大学MS&E 448(大金融数据和算法交易)的集团项目。这是一门强调...
Group project of MS&E 448 (Big Financial Data and Algorithmic Trading) at Stanford. It is a project course emphasizing the connection between data, models, and reality. Vast amounts of high volume, high frequency observations of financial quotes, orders and transactions are now available, and poses a unique set of challenges. This type of data (2021-02-05, Jupyter Notebook, 7133KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] comic-superheroes-dataset-EDA

comic-superheroes-dataset-EDA,Exploratory Data Analysis, played with super heroes dataset, drawn pie charts and bar charts. (2020-06-10, Jupyter Notebook, 57KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] Pubg-Overall-Eda-Top-10-Players

PUBG (Player Unknown s Battlegrounds) is a hugely successful and popular online shooter game. It s of so-called "battle royale" type - the game ends when the last team stays alive on a map. The difference to the normal deathmatch is that after you are killed in battle royale game you re not re- spawned anymore (perma-death). Here is the official ... (2019-10-09, Jupyter Notebook, 657KB, 下载0次)
