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[嵌入式Linux] Linux设备驱动开发详解4.0内核(非扫描版)

Linux设备驱动开发详解4.0内核(非扫描版).pdf 技术日新月异,产业斗转星移,滚滚红尘,消逝的事物太多,新事物的诞生也更迅猛。众多新生事物如灿烂烟 花,转瞬即逝。当我们仰望星空时,在浩如烟海的专业名词中寻找,赫然发现,Linux的生命力之旺盛顽强,斗 志之昂扬雄壮,令人称奇。它正以摧枯拉朽之势迅速占领包括服务器、云计算、消费电子、工业控制、仪器仪 表、导航娱乐等在内的众多应用领域,并逐步占据许多WINCE、VxWorks的传统嵌入式市场。 Linux所及之处,所向披靡。
Linux device driver development details 4.0 kernel (non scanning version). Pdf Technology is changing with each passing day, the industry is changing by leaps and bounds. There are too many things disappearing, and the birth of new things is more rapid. Many new things, such as fireworks, are fleeting. When we look up at the starry sky and look for it in the vast number of professional terms, we are surprised to find that Linux is full of vitality and fighting spirit. It is rapidly occupying many application fields including server, cloud computing, consumer electronics, industrial control, instrumentation, navigation and entertainment, and gradually occupying many traditional embedded markets of WinCE and VxWorks. Linux is everywhere it goes. This has something to do with the community development mode and rapid iteration of Linux. Life goes on, reconstruction goes on. (2020-12-24, C/C++, 12702KB, 下载2次)


[嵌入式Linux] Linux_C_study_new

北京亚嵌教育研究中心 宋劲杉 写的嵌入式C语言编程,分三部分讲解,1、C语言热门 2、C语言本质 3 、linux系统编程 对玩嵌入式的很有帮助
Education Research Center, Beijing Asia Song Jin embedded cedar write embedded C programming language, to explain the three parts, 1, C language popular 2, C language, the nature of 3, linux embedded system programming is helpful for playing (2011-08-09, C/C++, 7316KB, 下载9次)


[嵌入式Linux] dosfstools-2.9

用于ARM linux的fsck_fat磁盘检查工具代码,可以在用于修复FAT磁盘,包含FAT文件系统相关内容,适合学习文件系统使用
The fsck_fat for ARM linux disk check tool code, the disk can be used to repair the FAT, FAT file system that contains relevant content for learning to use the file system (2011-08-02, C/C++, 334KB, 下载89次)


[嵌入式Linux] bluetooth.tar

蓝牙通信模块。在marvell的PXA310 Littleton主板上调试通过。linux 2.6.25操作系统,fedora 10。
蓝牙通信模块。在marvell的PXA310 Littleton主板上调试通过。linux 2.6.25操作系统,fedora 10。 (2009-06-16, C/C++, 21639KB, 下载70次)


[嵌入式Linux] SMDK2410_bsp50

sansung s3c2410 bsp for wince 5.0,玩2410人的做梦都想的东西,就不多说了
sansung s3c2410 bsp for wince 5.0, playing 2410 people dreams of things, not to say the (2008-06-12, C/C++, 8128KB, 下载147次)
