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[2D图形编程] GOBANG

Gobang procedure that allows two people on one computer to play the game, not the network version, sorry. However friendly and easy to use! (2008-12-27, C/C++, 3KB, 下载2次)


[2D图形编程] StarBugzV0.0.1

psp上的StarBugz 可以說是一個加強版的"小蜜蜂", 現在發佈的雖然是測試版, 但已有一定程度的可玩性, 歡迎大家試玩並提出您的寶貴意見! 好讓我們制作小組, 可以在完成餘下部份時有所參考, 使得最後的完成品更為完善!
the StarBugz psp can be said to be an enhanced version of the "Bee", the release is beta, but already some degree of fun and you are welcome to try and make your valuable advice! So our production team can complete the remaining part of reference and make the final the finished goods more perfect! (2006-04-02, C/C++, 496KB, 下载5次)


[2D图形编程] xingkong

a simple space simulation program, only one basket, which can be improved to make it better. Try? (2005-12-31, C/C++, 1KB, 下载15次)
