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[collect] gottleShip

A program designed to play battleship in the most effective way possible (2024-01-19, NSIS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] TopDown-Game-With-Very-Broken-AI

I made this during my first game jam when I was a freshman. I was working alone and I was not very experienced and it shows. It was also uploaded compiled here: (2018-09-30, NSIS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] Logi-Maze

Logi Maze是我使用game Maker设计和开发的一款游戏。这是一款基于团队的单人游戏,团队成员相互帮助,精确地收集50分,以退出迷宫并赢得游戏。这个游戏是一个脑筋急转弯,它要求玩家必须使用逻辑和策略来赢得游戏。它是针对儿童的
Logi Maze is a game I designed and developed using Game Maker. It is a squad based single player game where the members of the squad help each other and collect exactly 50 points to exit the maze and win the game. This game is a brainteaser, it requires player has to use logic and strategy to win the game. It is targeted towards kids (2018-03-12, NSIS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] DarkElfPlatformer

我和一个朋友在gamemaker 1.4版中创建了一个游戏。游戏是一个具有典型的平台成型机制的小型平台成型器。一些自定义代码执行,玩家失败和游戏完成的开始和结束屏幕,3个完整级别,敌人,障碍物和皮卡。所有资产都是开源的,可以免费使用,声音剪辑也是如此。
Myself and a friend created a game in gamemaker v1.4. The game is a small platformer with typical platforming mechanics. Some custom code execution, start and end screens for both player failure and game completion, 3 complete levels, enemies, obstacles, and pickups. All assets are open source and free to use, as are the sound clips. (2017-06-19, NSIS, 0KB, 下载0次)
