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[网络编程] nefw

Okphp BBS v3 1 主要用于建立交流型站点,比如技术支持站点,学术交流站点,娱乐社区等, (2018-01-20, PHP, 455KB, 下载2次)


[网络编程] web_star

很多家长喜欢等孩子玩够了、在临睡前给他们洗澡。笔者发现,这样做会出现两种截然相反的结果:一部分孩子会马上睡着,另一部分孩子会在床上翻来覆去睡不着。 从医学角度来讲,孩子刚洗完澡最好不要让他马上睡觉,否则会对他们的生长发育..
Many parents like the kids had enough, give them a bath before going to sleep. I found that doing so would be two diametrically opposite result: some children will fall asleep immediately, another part of the child will be tossing and turning in bed. From a medical point of view, the child just showered best not to let him go to sleep right away, or would their growth and development .. (2016-01-26, PHP, 871KB, 下载1次)
