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[PHP编程] InvSee

PocketMine MP插件,允许您实时查看和修改离线和在线玩家库存!
A PocketMine-MP plugin that lets you view and modify offline and online players inventories in real-time! (2024-02-02, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] quai-antique

Le quai古董是Savoyard餐厅的web应用程序。这是我在学校的期末考试,一个培训评估(称为EC...,
Le quai antique is a web application for a Savoyard restaurant. This is my final exam for my school, an in-training assessment (called ECF in French). The project works under Tailwind and Symfony (2023-10-24, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] bondhu

Bondhu is my experimental practice project to learn and play with MVC pattern with PHP, (2022-07-08, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] jquery_picture_switching(jb51.net)

oh yes Powerful, photo album template. Is based on jQuery a special effects album template. It's pretty. If you don't believe it, you can download it and try it. Absolutely beautiful. And it can be compatible with mobile browser. Adaptive (2020-08-08, PHP, 118KB, 下载1次)


[PHP编程] qsylwym_v5.19

Refreshing entertainment network system can be applied to the construction of websites of picture, text, video and audio types. It has a large amount of bearing data, a large amount of bearing visits, and a high security. Its functions and templates can be expanded in the form of plug-ins. (2020-05-14, PHP, 1674KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] qsylwym_v5.17

Refreshing entertainment network system can be applied to the construction of websites of picture, text, video and audio types. It has a large amount of bearing data, a large amount of bearing visits, and a high security. Its functions and templates can be expanded in the form of plug-ins. (2020-04-16, PHP, 1676KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] PHP十日

快速学习PHP,自学PHP玩尚宝典。 特别是对于已经会使用其他语言的人转到PHP时,一目了然。
Learn PHP quickly and learn PHP for yourself. Learn PHP quickly and learn PHP for yourself. (2018-05-17, PHP, 15KB, 下载4次)
