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[内容生成] TimeRanks_v2.0

Always Play And Claim The Ranks ! (2016-03-25, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[内容生成] JTroller

玩JTroller.com的原木滚动游戏,帮助Justin Trudeau在水中的原木上保持平衡。掌握调整日志的艺术,以保持特鲁多漂浮,同时导航通过越来越具挑战性的水平。在这场异想天开的非政治冒险中,尝试打破你的高分,或者看着他倒下——选择权在你!
Play JTroller.com s log rolling game and help Justin Trudeau stay balanced on a log in the water. Master the art of adjusting the log to keep Trudeau afloat while navigating through increasingly challenging levels. Try to beat your high score in this whimsical, apolitical adventure, or watch him tip over – the choice is yours! (2023-12-29, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[内容生成] HB-Audio-Player

HB Audio Player是一款高度可配置但简单的基于Flash的MP3播放器,可满足您的所有音频需求。您可以定制玩家的颜色...,
HB Audio Player is a highly configurable but simple Flash based MP3 player for all your audio needs. You can customise the player s colour scheme to match your blog theme, have it automatically show track information from the encoded ID3 tags and more. All development occurs in the "dev" branch. The "master" branch is the latest stable release. (2012-01-24, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[内容生成] php_mafia

The age old game of Mafia, also known as Werewolf, wherein you try to kill off everyone else! Rendered as a PHP website for personal fun. Please ask me before forking this code as its an on again/off again project for me. (2019-11-22, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[内容生成] hypixel-signatures

Hypixel.Paniek.de提供动态生成的图像,其中包含Hypiquel Minecraft服务器上玩家的迷你游戏统计信息。它也...,
Hypixel.Paniek.de offers dynamically generated images containing minigame statistics of players on the Hypixel Minecraft server. It also offers statistics for Guilds, member lists, friends list and a way to see what players are currently playing on the Hypixel server. Rewrite of hypixel.maxkorlaar.com (2023-08-22, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[内容生成] stanford_video

Stanford Web Video: Custom content type and video player for captioned video created by captioning.stanford.edu (2018-06-28, PHP, 33KB, 下载0次)


[内容生成] istema-de-eleicao-funcionario-destaque-em-Laravel

Um sistema gerenciador de elei??o de projetos. Incluindo as opera??es de votos e contagens de voto. Possui diversas funcionalidades, tais como: Criar e agendar eventos, criar categorias específicas para eventos, criar candidatos e subprojetos ao evento, inser??o de imagens e possui um scheduler que monitora e controla as operacoes envolvendo (2021-08-19, PHP, 1684KB, 下载0次)


[内容生成] mastery-nickname

A site that generates a nickname and a procedural image (using loading screen art) for League of Legends players based on their mastery data (2016-06-13, PHP, 10712KB, 下载0次)
