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[数据结构] NHL-Insights-Hub

欢迎来到NHL Insights Hub,您的中央存储库,用于全面数据分析和了解NHL玩家的世界...
Welcome to the NHL Insights Hub, your central repository for comprehensive data analytics and insights into the world of NHL players and their performance. This project organizes data sourced from the NHL API, EA s NHL game ratings, and more, utilizing a structured data product pipeline. (2023-11-14, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据结构] MyPy

Playing around with Python. (2020-02-19, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据结构] coding-problems

I find problems that were asked in interviews and solve them for practice and fun. (2020-12-25, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据结构] Flames-Game-Module

Have some fun with this module... any issues while using this module feel free to contact me (2021-06-21, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据结构] stack&queue

小猫钓鱼纸牌游戏。 A和B两个同学玩简单的纸牌游戏,每人手里有n张牌,两人轮流出牌并依次排列在桌面上,每次出掉手里的第1张牌,出牌后如果发现桌面上有跟刚才打出的牌的数字相同的牌,则把到相同的那张牌结束的全部牌按次序放在自己手里牌的末尾。当一人手中牌先出完时,游戏结束,对方获胜。
Kitten fishing card game. A and B play a simple card game. Each of them has N cards in their hands. They play cards in turn and arrange them on the table top in turn. If they drop the first card in their hands each time, if they find that there is the same number of cards on the table top as they just played, put all the cards that end in the same card at the end of their hands in order. When one hands out the cards first, the game is over and the other side wins. (2020-05-12, Python, 1KB, 下载0次)
